Prison Break

This game has gone through many stages of development. I worked along side a colleague, Owusu Bonsu to develop this game. Prison Break first started out as a text-based game about navigating to find items that would aid in the escape of a Russian Gulag. Initially this game was a great resource to host our knowledge of web development an skills such as html, css, and javascript. As the knowledge and skills began to improve the game could follow suit. The idea of the text-based game soon transitioned into a Unity engine developed game. Many aspects of the game came along with the new development but this transtion allowed for new knowledge to be gained. Through the years of Prison Break, my personal fasination with front-end development came into play. Developing this new Unity game needed aspects of design both in layout and character that were based on the settng of the game.

The game can be found here: Prison Break.
A quick video about the game and brief gameplay can be found here. Prison Break Video.

Prison Break Unity Game